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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 426 427 [428] 429 430 ... 1355
Spin Zone / Re: The Trump hits just keep coming.
« on: June 18, 2021, 07:14:18 AM »
A photo of steingar and his 'father....'

The donkey is too tall.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: June 18, 2021, 04:25:48 AM »
Chain of custody is so racist!

Spin Zone / Re: Is anybody here smarter than me?
« on: June 17, 2021, 05:51:26 PM »
How soon does “George Floyd’s birthday” become a federal holiday?

Spin Zone / Re: Is anybody here smarter than me?
« on: June 17, 2021, 01:46:04 PM »
This should make people's stomach's turn.

The worship of this two bit doped up thug is just repulsive.

Spin Zone / Re: The Trump hits just keep coming.
« on: June 17, 2021, 12:25:58 PM »
Guatemala most likely.  Got family there.  Whoever is in charge of the government, they don't seem to mess with los gringos. Got some family there, too.
Trump didn't drain the swamp, he infested it.  Laws have been passed in a number of red states allowing the GOP lead legislatures to overturn the popular vote.  Once governments start doing that kiss democracy goodbye.  It started fracturing when McConnel denied Obama a SCOTUS pick.  It will get worse from here.  Much worse.
Trump exposed the cracks in our democracy.  Sooner or later someone younger and smarter than him is going to blow those wide open, I just hope I don't live to see it.  The problem is the Democrats are a big tent.  There are folks on the extreme left, and folks in the center.  Black folks, Latino folks, LGBTQ and lots of others.  The GOP has become a monolithic aggregation of angry white men.

Spin Zone / Re: The Trump hits just keep coming.
« on: June 17, 2021, 09:56:10 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Putin is warned
« on: June 17, 2021, 07:17:24 AM »

  Here's a close up of his "note cards"

Spin Zone / Re: Putin is warned
« on: June 17, 2021, 07:16:24 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 17, 2021, 05:37:12 AM »

A Chinese Lab Virus? So Now What?

By Victor Davis Hanson

For over a year, the American establishment and media borg have ostracized anyone who dared to connect the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic with the Chinese military-sponsored, level-4 biosafety Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Then, suddenly and without apologies for their past demagoguery, “journalists” and “experts” concede that the nearby Wuhan lab may well be the most likely genesis.

Why the abrupt change?

Donald Trump is no longer president.

There is now no need for progressives to declare everything Trump once asserted as truth a lie. And that paradox includes Trump’s spring 2020 insistence that the lab, not a wet market of sliced-up bats, was the source of the outbreak.

The recent release of Anthony Fauci’s emails, along with the new information about Dr. Peter Daszak’s gain-of-function research, make it indisputable that both were knowingly channeling U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Chinese for coronavirus research in Wuhan. 

So now what?

We are left with a number of lose-lose scenarios about China’s failed efforts to lie about the origins of COVID-19.

One, will China continually deny what is appearing to be undeniable? Perhaps, if we remember it is a country with a Communist Party hierarchy that once killed 60 million under Mao, and whose present apparat has put over 1 million Muslim Uyghurs into camps.

A stonewalling Beijing likely will conclude that the risk of appearing guilty for causing one of the greatest “natural” global disasters in a century is not nearly as destructive to its interests as admitting it.

Will China then wait us out, in O.J. Simpson fashion, denying the obvious facts—until wearied Americans move onto another of their media frenzies?

Or, two, could China confess that its SARS-CoV-2 virus was birthed in the Wuhan lab, but claim its appearance was a “joint” effort with the United States? They would then point to Fauci himself, who approved funds for Wuhan coronavirus enhancement to be channeled by Daszak. The Chinese would further insist their combined efforts were aimed at finding a “cure” for coronavirus epidemics. And thus Beijing should not be blamed—or at least not solely blamed.

Beijing could retort that it, too, was misled by its own sloppy researchers. Or the communist government might even preposterously answer that its prior code of silence was meant to shield the role of U.S. funders of the pandemic disaster.

Americans then would end up wondering to what degree our own doctors and institutions, at the highest levels of the U.S. government and of global medical establishment, not only lied to us throughout the crisis, but, in some bizzarro way, may have shared responsibility for the engineering of the Satanic virus itself.

Or three, Chinese officials could privately wink and nod to our intelligence and military communities that their researchers were, in fact, pursuing “legitimate” viral gain-of-function research until a terrible Chernobyl-like accident took place. Such things have also happened, they might unofficially remind our officials, at Bhopal, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima. In back channels Beijing then would regret the resulting global economic catastrophe, the millions dead, the even more millions sickened, the billions of lives harmed by the lockdown, and the apparent 2020-21 American political, economic, social and cultural meltdown.

China additionally would lament its “mistaken” lack of transparency and the “confusion” that accounted for misleading the world. And yet China would still smile, and sort of promise off the record that such an unforeseen disaster would never, ever—or at least almost never—happen again.

Four, we tend to block out the unthinkable. Nonetheless, in a few weeks more information from within China could leak out that the virus was a joint weaponized creation of civilian virologists and the Chinese military. How the virus escaped would not be clear, but millions the world over would suspect the worst of any involvement of the Chinese military.

In all these scenarios, we are left with the suspicion that an embryonic engineered virus was mysteriously released that did more damage to the Western world than any weapon deliberately employed since World War II. And we will become terrified that, in theory, it could happen again. More importantly, we still have no idea what to do: whether to act in a punitive or deterrent fashion, or both or neither.

Washington strategists are no doubt gaming all these rumors and unthinkables.

In some way, many Americans are naïvely hopeful that COVID-19 was a one-off, ill-thought-out, gain-of-function laboratory accident.

But some are most terrified that it was a proto-bioweapon that, regardless of whether it was accidentally released at some point, became a “never let a crisis go to waste” moment—an attitude that not only explained Chinese lying, but also the entire terrible year of 2020, and the near destruction of American society itself.

Spin Zone / Re: Putin is warned
« on: June 17, 2021, 05:26:05 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Putin is warned
« on: June 17, 2021, 05:25:05 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 16, 2021, 06:10:42 AM »

By the President?  And the AG?     C'mon...........

Spin Zone / Re: Fauci Gave Wuhan Lab $826k for Coronavirus Research
« on: June 16, 2021, 04:46:53 AM »
So you were led to believe

 Just imagine for a moment these Chinese researchers talking with each other after meeting and listening to the associate perfesser.   :o

 "These Americans are so stupid!"    "Xi was right!"

Spin Zone / Re: Highly Contagious Mutation Found!
« on: June 16, 2021, 04:43:28 AM »
That is the exact sentence I wanted to quote and post. Thanks for doing it for me.  :)

The most frightening thing about that documentary is how like the CCP the American left is, and how blind so many Americans are to the evils of tyranny.

 But we've been told that white supremacy is the biggest threat to our country........that and climate change.  ::)

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