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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 472 473 [474] 475 476 ... 1356
Spin Zone / David Hogg's Pillow Company Is Proceeding Nicely
« on: February 09, 2021, 02:05:21 PM »

Last week I told you about former teen and current gun-grabber David Hogg starting his own pillow company to take down My Pillow founder Mike Lindell. You can almost see the cartoon thought-balloon over Hogg’s adorable little head: “Hey, if a crazy crackhead can become a multimillionaire by making pillows, how tough can it be?” Unfortunately, young Mr. Hogg is quickly discovering exactly how tough it can be. And thanks to the modern miracle of Twitter, we can watch him sink into a pit of disillusioned despair in real-time.

 Go to the article and read all of the tweets.   It's almost as entertaining as the Babylon Bee.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: February 09, 2021, 01:57:37 PM »
Lovely Kristi Noem is pushing back on these executive orders.  And she is on totally solid ground. The Constitution doesn’t contemplate Executive Orders, so they have no force of law upon the states (or us for that matter.) The 10th Amendment controls and allows the states to tell Fedgov to shove it up their asses.

 That's the key.   More states need to tell Xiden to fuck off with his executive orders.


Spin Zone / Re: Burn Down the Economy
« on: February 09, 2021, 09:45:36 AM »
Actually favor the big business. Walmart can sell neckties (cheap chinese) but the small tailor that hand makes custom ties must shutter.


 China will become our exclusive provider.  "Made in the USA" will not be permitted.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 09, 2021, 08:41:38 AM »
If you had to point to a single individual responsible for the death of the United States I would say Fauci. He pushed Trump into recommending a shutdown, and continued pushing to extend it which justified the mail in vote conspiracy (YES they admit in Time magazine it was a conspiracy to rig the election) which got Biden and the two GA senators in office and set the groundwork for election reform (permanent mail in ballots, no ID, open borders, etc.) which means we are no longer a representative republic and never will be again.  It might have happened anyway but Fauci gets the credit for having pulled the trigger. Thanks a lot you fucking asshole.

 This is why Pope Tony is celebrated by the DCP and MSM.  This is also why Pope Tony is the highest paid person in government.   Let that sink in.

 That little asshole did to this country in two weeks what the DCP couldn't do over decades.   

 Thankfully he turns 80 this year, so hopefully god will see fit to fire his ass eventually.

Spin Zone / Re: Burn Down the Economy
« on: February 09, 2021, 08:35:56 AM »
They despise small business, independent workers, self sufficiency and autonomy.


  The rise of the communist in this country will dictate that employment shall be with the corporate class, or government.  This is why we watched the lockdowns target small business while essentially leaving the big corporate businesses alone.


Spin Zone / Burn Down the Economy
« on: February 09, 2021, 07:47:10 AM »
Xiden and the DCP march forward to kill off the economy.

The Democrats Just Reintroduced a Labor Law that Would Destroy Uber—And It Could Actually Pass This Time

With control of Congress and the White House, Democrats are making labor policy one of their first priorities. Ironically enough, that’s actually bad news for independent contractors and gig economy workers across the country.

The legislation at the core of their agenda is the PRO Act, which Democrats just re-introduced with sponsors including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer. Among many other things, the bill would severely restrict the legal definition of independent contractors in a way that would largely end the gig economy as we know it.

The legislators’ stated intention is to protect workers and bolster their rights under law. Through the reclassification of independent contractors, Democrats hope to force gig economy companies to hire workers as full employees and thus provide them the accompanying salaries and benefits.

“The men and women of labor are the backbone of our economy and the foundation of our strength,” Pelosi said. “With American workers seeing their lives and livelihoods devastated by the ongoing pandemic and economic crisis, the reintroduction of the PRO Act is more important than ever.

“I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this legislation to put more money in the pockets of hard-working Americans, creating a foundation that provides livable wages to our families,” Schumer added.

The context here is crucial, because this legislation isn’t coming out of nowhere. It’s modeled after a similar but highly controversial California bill, AB 5, that likewise forced the reclassification of independent contractors.

President Biden supported AB 5 at the time, and is on the record supporting the PRO Act, too. And now that Democrats control Congress, it could pass the House and find support from the White House. The only question would be whether it could make it through the closely-divided Senate.

So, it’s worth examining the sweeping impact this legislation would have on the economy.

Millions of Jobs Outlawed with the Stroke of a Pen
The PRO Act would outlaw millions of existing jobs with the stroke of the president’s pen.

After all, it would make illegal any independent contractor arrangement where the worker provides services within “the usual course of the business of the employer,” meaning jobs like Uber drivers, Doordash drivers, Instacart grocery deliverers, and more could not exist as we know them. There are roughly 10.6 million independent contractors in the US, accounting for 6.9 percent of all employment. Some of these workers might not be affected by the law and some others may get hired on as full-time as a result. But there’s little doubt that millions more would find themselves unemployed.

For example, Uber alone employs more than 1 million drivers in the US. It’s nearly certain they would all lose their jobs under the PRO Act, because Uber already runs a loss, not a profit, and adding an independent contractor as a full staff member counts roughly $3,625 per driver. Basic math tells you that most of these workers would end up being let go; Uber could even go under. After all, the California legislation nearly forced Uber and Lyft to shut down operations in the Golden State altogether until a last-minute ballot referendum modified the law.

Uber is just one company and one example. But freelance workers such as journalists, photographers, florists, musicians and more all lost work in California under legislation similar to the PRO Act.

“Transcription allowed me to stay at home, be my own boss, and control my workflow and whom I work with,” 72-year-old transcriptionist Dori Lehner told the Independent Women’s Forum. “I only have one direct client now, and I only get work when they have it. My income has dropped down to a quarter of what it was before AB5.”

“A mom-and-pop studio can’t hire me and put me on payroll for a one or two hour lecture that I do once per month,” part-time yoga instructor Jennifer O’Connell told IWF.

“That’s wiped out so much work,” she added, explaining that she’s lost roughly three-fourths of her freelance income.

The authors of AB 5 and the PRO Act likely earnestly believed they were going to help workers like Lehner and O’Connell. But the ugly results of their policy naivete will leave many like them unemployed instead.

The Big Picture: Unintended Consequences Always Plague Big Government Regulation
The lesson here is clear. The Democrats’ latest labor proposal is a case study in unintended consequences, which inevitably plague big-government interventions into a vast and diverse economy.

“Economic policies need to be analyzed in terms of the incentives they create, rather than the hopes that inspired them,” famed free-market economist Thomas Sowell once wrote. “The programs that are being labeled for the poor, for the needy, almost always have effects exactly the opposite of those which their well-intentioned sponsors hope them to have.”

“It’s not enough... to endorse legislation that has a nice title and promises to do something good,” economist Robert P. Murphy similarly wrote for FEE. “People need to think through the full consequences of a policy, because often it will lead to a cure worse than the disease.”

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer clearly haven’t thought this through. If the PRO Act becomes law, it won’t help independent workers—it will eliminate their jobs or strip them of the flexibility that attracted them to the gig economy in the first place.

Spin Zone / Re: Market Still Headed North
« on: February 09, 2021, 07:39:57 AM »
We're seeing housing markets all across the country going nuts.  People are dumping dumps and getting top prices for them.  Demand is so hot that new buyers are bidding up prices and making offers without having an inspection.  These new buyers are tempted by low mortgage rates and the fear of rates going up in the near future.  They are buying the most they can afford on two incomes.

The 2008 crash was caused by a crash of the mortgage industry.  The 2022 crash will be caused by the crash of the housing industry.  The trillions in debt will cause interest rates to skyrocket.  When rates go up, housing prices go down.  As the scamdemic continues, more people will lose jobs and they can no longer afford their mortgage.  As their houses deteriorate they will face tens of thousands in maintenance (that they didn't find because they didn't get an inspection).  Houses will be abandoned or foreclosed on.  All this will cause a housing crash, followed by the loan industry crash.  Hyper inflation, 20% interest rates, no home buyers, no jobs.  Welcome to the democrat utopia.

I got my wife 20 Trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes for Valentine's Day.  I thought she'd enjoy having trillions of dollars to spend.  Just like the government.  And just like everyone in the US when the dollar becomes worthless.

 Many of those foreclosed homes will be bought up by the government, and turned into section 8 housing.

 The march continues.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 09, 2021, 07:37:02 AM »
Pope Tony speaks

Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that Americans will need to keep wearing face masks until COVID-19 “is not a threat at all” during a Monday afternoon appearance on Fox News’ “Special Report.”

“Is there going to be a time when we are going to be, no masks?” anchor Bret Baier asked during the interview. “When is that time? If you had to guess, going to a sports game, going to a theater, going to a concert without a mask?”

“That will really be dependent upon how we get the level of virus in the community down,” Fauci responded. “If we can get — and I have used this as an estimate, it’s not definitive — but  if we can get 70 to 85 percent of the population vaccinated, and get to what we would hope would be to a degree of herd immunity which really is an umbrella or a veil of protection against the community, where the level of virus is so low it’s not a threat at all, then at that point, you can start thinking in terms of not having to have uniform wearing of masks.”

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director predicted that the U.S. is “not near” a time when this could happen.

 The goal post just keeps moving.......................

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: February 09, 2021, 06:37:34 AM »

“Unite the country” may be the three scariest words coming out of D.C. right now. Conform or be crushed is what they mean. Thankfully, Second Amendment sanctuary state efforts are drawing bold lines against federal encroachment.

Missouri is close to nullifying federal gun control within its borders. On Tuesday, the Missouri House overwhelmingly passed the “Second Amendment Preservation Act,” which prohibits public officers, state employees, and political subdivisions from enforcing federal acts, laws, executive orders, court orders, and other edicts that transgress the right to bear arms.

The Tenth Amendment Center, the premier think tank for nullification advocacy, calls this legislation “a major step” toward stopping “past, present, and future” federal gun control.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: February 09, 2021, 06:34:55 AM »
Read a little more. A shocking admission of unrepentant manipulation!

Of course they a bragging about it, the biggest scam and coup in American history, and they pulled it off.

They can't help themselves.

And they can brag about it because they have the protection of the judicial, law enforcement, the MSM, Big Tech, the military and the cabal inside the beltway.

 The DCP want to rub everyone's nose in this.  They want the message out loud and clear that they are in charge and there is nothing you can do about it.

 The next 18 months will decide whether this country moves forward as the United States or suffers the same fate of the Soviet Union. 

 I still contend we are going to start seeing secession.

Spin Zone / Re: The Wall
« on: February 09, 2021, 06:22:35 AM »

As the legislature in Austin returns for its first session since the mass shootings in El Paso and Midland-Odessa, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has vowed to do everything he can to defend gun rights in the state, the Fort-Worth Star-Telegram reported on Monday.

Abbott promised “to erect a complete barrier against any government office anywhere from treading on gun rights in Texas. Texas must be a Second Amendment sanctuary state.”

The governor, whose state has 3,000 people a year killed by a gun, said that “Politicians from the federal level to the local level have shouted: ‘Heck yes, the government is coming to get your guns,’” but vowed that “we won’t let that happen in Texas.”

When asked about measures offered by gun safety advocates such as “red flag” laws or universal background checks, Abbott emphasized that “the goal that I’m seeking to achieve is to do the maximum to protect Second Amendment Rights.”

He elaborated on what he meant by a Second Amendment sanctuary state, telling the Star-Telegram.that “It would be a law that would prohibit any … state or local government official from doing anything to implement any law, state or federal, that would take guns away from any Texan.”

Some gun advocates and legislators who favor gun safety measures were let down that Abbott played up Second Amendment rights while not even mentioning the recent mass shootings.

Democrat state Rep. Chris Turner said, “There was frankly a time where there was some decent bipartisan conversation going on around some of those issues in the wake of the mass shootings in El Paso and Odessa in 2019. So, it’s unfortunate the governor hasn’t sought to continue that.”

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: February 09, 2021, 06:16:40 AM »
So we are now in 11 months of the "14 days to flatten the curve".

Spin Zone / Re: Thinking About January 6th
« on: February 08, 2021, 03:36:16 PM »
I can’t watch that cunt.

It’s a parody video of a girl that sorta looks like AOC.  Quite funny actually. 

Spin Zone / Re: Thinking About January 6th
« on: February 08, 2021, 02:00:45 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Thinking About January 6th
« on: February 08, 2021, 10:46:37 AM »
If I didn’t know better, and maybe I don’t, that article is a satire. It’s too outrageous to be real. It’s such a deluded strutting display of hubris. I’ve never seen anything like it. These people are truly evil.

 Here's Victor Davis Hanson and his take:

Conspiracies? Now they brag of them in Time. Read their hubristic confessionals in “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” Once upon a Time, radicals used to talk of a “secret history” in terms of the Pentagon Papers, or a “shadow campaign” in detailing Hollywood blacklisting. They are exactly what they once despised, with one key qualifier: Sixties crudity and venom are central to their metamorphosis.

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