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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 808 809 [810] 811 812 ... 1351
Spin Zone / Re: We now live in a Banana Republic
« on: August 29, 2019, 02:33:22 PM »
Sean Hannity is saying be patient, there is much more coming, this was only a baby report. He better be right. There had better be indictments on this.

Sean Hannity is a broken record. Every day he just repeats the same old stuff, over and over.  I've gotten to where I can't listen to his program anymore.

 The only thing that's going to come out of this is a few slaps on a wrist, and some lower level people who will get time.  The major players will all walk.  Hell, even Bruce Ohr is still employed by the DoJ.  Director Wray is blocking release of documents ordered released by the WH. 

Spin Zone / We now live in a Banana Republic
« on: August 29, 2019, 12:31:14 PM »
Yep, if there has been any doubt, rest assured we now live in a Banana Republic with a two tiered judicial system.

The IG Report on Comey is damning and points to a corrupt FBI Director who used his position for political gain.  He openly ignored departmental rules and regulations.

 Take this report and place someone else's name in it, a junior FBI Agent for example, and he would be facing expulsion from the agency as well as a criminal referral and potential jail time.   But Comey walks away scot-free so he can continue speaking engagements and book signings.

Spin Zone / Re: Florida nursing home hurricane deaths
« on: August 29, 2019, 08:56:47 AM »
My guess is the root of the charge is the families of the dead patients. 12 dead, that’s a lot of families to get together in a mob and harass the authorities into holding someone, anyone, responsible (other than the families themselves.)

Legally if negligence can be proven, such as bringing up employees on charges, this increases the payout in civil lawsuits.

Always follow the money. Those family members are more interested in the payout than for the lost relatives.   Sad but true.

I always tell people I served in the Vietnam Era and never say I served in Vietnam.  It is a big distinction in my mind.

Yes it is.  My father served during the Korean War era, but fortunately he was assigned to Morocco.

I was after the VN era.  My service was during the Iranian Crisis during the latter 70's.

Over on that other forum there are several fakers.  We had one here but he's since stopped posting.

Spin Zone / Re: Florida nursing home hurricane deaths
« on: August 28, 2019, 09:35:09 AM »
Yep, and defense attorneys aren't cheap. They could be financially wiped out. Not to mention the emotional and psychological harm.

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 And even if acquitted, it will still follow them for the rest of their lives.  Every job application, or anything that involves background checks.

I don't understand why guys do this.  It is a macho thing?

They're spineless creeps.  All glory no guts.

The military is not for everyone, and I have no problem if someone decided not to serve.  But I do have a problem when sniveling assholes make claims to pump themselves up.  Top of that list are the people that never served but claimed they did.  Next in line are people that served, but embellish their service record.

I despise the stolen valor pukes.   

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 26, 2019, 09:11:15 AM »
Why does most of society think a PhD makes someone more intelligent?

Question: What do you call a guy who graduates dead last in medical school?

Answer:  "Doctor"

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 26, 2019, 06:03:49 AM »
We have freedom of speech, at least until the Leftists pass "Hate Speech" laws and they get to define that hate speech is anything in which they disagree.  However, that being said, who holds the Media accountable?  They now accept outright lying as acceptable. 

The "Russia" Coup Attempt was a Media/Democrat failure, yet nobody has paid the price for this crime of Sedition.  The Media is out of control, and our only recourse is to turn them off, or not read their crap on line.  Yes, I know this has existed for a long time, Hearst, etc.

I cut my cable off, and I don't bother watching network or cable news anymore.   It's all become propaganda.   Even Foxnews has fallen off to the progressive left with the exception of a few shows that are commentary.

 Drudge Report has become nothing more than a conduit to lead readers to progressive internet sites.  The unbiased internet sites are under constant attack by the left.

 Goebbels would have been down right envious of what the MSM has evolved into.

There is hope for our young people yet.


 But she is going to be subjected to the most brutal outlandish bullshit and lies the liberals can concoct.

Spin Zone / 26-Year-Old GOP Latina Announces She's Running For Congress
« on: August 25, 2019, 09:28:03 AM »
Gee, wonder how long it will take the progressives to ravage and drag this young lady through the mud?

Spin Zone / Re: Hockey Stick mmgw scam loses BIG in Lawsuit
« on: August 25, 2019, 06:11:47 AM »

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