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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 10:26:08 AM »
The German media is just as classy as ours.   >:(

‘F*** you!’ Donald Trump blasted in German media after pulling out of Paris climate deal

DONALD Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate deal has not gone down well in Germany, if this tabloid’s choice of words is anything to go by.


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Looking out over a sea of people in Harvard Yard last week, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive and one of Harvard’s most famous dropouts, told this year’s graduating class that it was living in an unstable time, when the defining struggle was “against the forces of authoritarianism, isolationism and nationalism.”

Two days earlier, another end-of-year ceremony had taken place, just a short walk away on a field outside the law school library. It was Harvard’s first commencement for black graduate students, and many of the speakers talked about a different, more personal kind of struggle, the struggle to be black at Harvard.

“We have endured the constant questioning of our legitimacy and our capacity, and yet here we are,” Duwain Pinder, a master’s degree candidate in business and public policy, told the cheering crowd of several hundred people in a keynote speech.

From events once cobbled together on shoestring budgets and hidden in back rooms, alternative commencements like the one held at Harvard have become more mainstream, more openly embraced by universities and more common than ever before.

Earlier this spring, tiny Emory and Henry College in Virginia held its first “Inclusion and Diversity Year-End Ceremonies.” The University of Delaware joined a growing list of colleges with “Lavender” graduations for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. At Columbia, students who were the first in their families to graduate from college attended the inaugural “First-Generation Graduation,” with inspirational speeches, a procession and the awarding of torch pins.

Some of the ceremonies have also taken on a sharper edge, with speakers adding an activist overlay to the more traditional sentiments about proud families and bright futures.

So I thought "segregation" was bad?  It seems to be the trend now.   I guess voluntary segregation is OK???

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 09:39:47 AM »
The result will be to push this out to the local level. We've seen it already with the jack ass in charge of NY City.  If a city or state feels inclined to impose certain standards, they will.

In my state (Commonwealth) the mayors of both Pittsburgh, and Philly have said they will follow the Paris Treaty.   ::)
Just another reason why I won't live in a big city.  They are all run by Democrats. 

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 09:32:10 AM »
When do you plan on erecting your windmill so you can power your home?

No, no, no.  The answer has GOT to be another big government agency, or agency expansion to administer all the taxes, fees, and Cap, and Trade schemes!  Come on, get with the program!   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 08:03:19 AM »
So let me get this stright....You want the world to go green, yet you then waste resources to light up your monuments?  ???

Unlike most Americans, Europeans love to be "governed".  So, this is another way for their ruling masters to further govern them.  I find it disappointing, but that's why America was created in the first place. 

From my local "newspaper's" website.  (Liberal/Progressive RAG)

So does Bill Peduto, who's the current mayor of Pittsburgh and who said just minutes after Trump cited his concern for the citizens of the Steel City that "we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy & future." (So did Philadelphia's Mayor Kenney, who like scores of other mayors and local leaders has vowed to reduce carbon pollution regardless of the callous indifference in Trump's Washington.) Donald Trump is a dangerous ignoramus, whose only justification for a policy that poses serious and unacceptable risks for our children and grandchildren is a) he's doing the opposite of whatever Barack Obama did and b) his insane nationalist advisers like Steve Bannon (who never really lost clout after all) are convinced this plays well with that certain sector of the electorate that hates "pointy-headed" scientists, etc.

This is a dark day for the planet — darker than the streets of Pittsburgh at high noon in 1946. The president of the United States — in a job that many once called "the leader of the free world," hard as that is to believe now — rejecting the best science on our climate is both the logical conclusion of 50 years of GOP know-nothingism and a moment where it's not at all trite to say that common sense has been trumped by evil self-interest.

The author of this article writes at least one, or more columns per day bashing Trump.  This website, like many others around the country publish 2 - 4 anti Trump articles per day.   

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:42:14 AM »
CEOs of some major companies are upset about the pullout, also believing that man-made climate change is real and that we need to be proactive in this area.  CEOs of Dana, Dow Chemical, Pacific Gas and Electric, DuPont, Proctor and Gamble, General Electric, Cargill, Johnson&Johnson, CocaCola, Unilever and dozens of others.  I'm sorry you guys think it's a scam.  I'm just glad that there are some people with influence who don't feel that way.

Most larger corporations are run by Liberal/Progressives, and are the most PC organizations on earth.  The truth is that no one really knows if man's industrialization is causing any changes to a very, very dynamic thing like climate, and weather.  Also, the fact that historical temperature data was changed after the fact tells me that the entire thing IS a scam designed for more income, and wealth re-distribution by government.   

Maybe those that believe in MMGW should alter their lifestyles to reflect their beliefs.

Wow, she even threw the DNC under the bus.  Certainly desperation is setting in.  She is now a pariah to even the Democrats.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 05:55:31 AM »
Once it became obvious who was driving it and how they were going to profit, I knew that it is a scam. The "science", I immediately discarded.

When people were selling carbon credits, I knew it was a huge scam.

Elon Musk, huge hypocrite!

Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, took to Twitter to announce that he would be departing from all future presidential councils in protest of President Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. He assured his followers that global warming is real and that leaving the Paris accords is “not good” for America or the world.

Hours later, Cruz mocked Musk’s outrage, pointing out that he regularly travels around the country in his own private jet. If the billionaire CEO was so dedicated to reducing the world’s carbon output, Cruz snarked, he would choose to fly commercial planes rather than private ones.

Really, Mark, when exactly did that happen? Comedy re POTUS stopped between Jan 2009 and 2017.

I never heard jokes about Obama either.  The media, and entertainment industry worshipped him.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 01, 2017, 05:11:37 AM »
This is a case where I'm convinced you're wrong, but I hope you're right.

What lifestyle changes have you enacted in order to stop the damage?

Spin Zone / Re: Bill Nye the Science Lie
« on: May 31, 2017, 02:19:12 PM »
Yep, he is neither truthful, nor knowledgeable. 

Spin Zone / Re: 'culturally appropriating Mexican food and jobs'
« on: May 31, 2017, 02:16:47 PM »
That is pretty off the wall.  But it is Portlandia, I've heard many of the basic laws of nature are suspended there.

Seattle, San Fran, and much of the left coast too!   ;D

Don't care either for entertainers using their publicity to hawk their political views.
That said, some non-liberal comedians I am aware of that come to mind:

Tim Allen; conservative.
Rob Schneider; conservative.
Drew Carey; libertarian.
Doug Stanhope; libertarian.
Kurt Russell; libertarian.
Clint Eastwood; libertarian.

And how many of those people say, and do whacky things? 

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: May 31, 2017, 02:04:03 PM »
Now we need to amend the Clean Air, and Water Act to be more narrow so the next Democrat administration can't use the EPA to legislate in effect, and also punish political enemies.  When farmers, and others can't use their own ponds, then something is amiss.   

Spin Zone / Re: Dems Lose Another Election
« on: May 31, 2017, 01:57:07 PM »
There's no video but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The candidate, now Congressman-elect has apologized for it, which confirms the incident.

He has also been charged with assault. 

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